Shrimps, crawfish, crab, lobster, clams, scallops, oysters, and mussels are all considered shellfish.

Shellfish Mussels

Mussels are an excellent source of protein, as well as omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, and folate, and they exceed the recommended daily intake of selenium, iodine, and iron.


Shrimp have a semitransparent body that is flattened from side to side and a flexible abdomen that ends in a fan-like tail.


Lobsters feature two pairs of long antennae, two pairs of compound eyes on movable stalks, and multiple pairs of swimming legs (swimmerets) on the enlarged abdomen.


A crab is a sea organism with a flat circular body covered by a shell and five pairs of legs, the front pair of which has huge claws.



An oyster is a type of mollusc that has two rough white shells that unite at one spot. The oyster's shell is held shut by extraordinarily powerful muscles.



They are slow-moving invertebrates with a thin fleshy membrane, or mantle, that covers the internal organs.



Clams have two equal-sized shells joined by two adductor muscles and a powerful burrowing foot.

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