All cephalopods have arms or tentacles, blue blood, and the capacity to use propulsion to assist them move quickly when necessary.


Octopuses are invertebrates classified as cephalopods. They have huge eyes, bulbous skulls, and eight highly handy arms.



Squids are any of the over 300 species of 10-armed mollusks that make up the cephalopod order Teuthoidea. They can be found in both coastal and marine waters.


Cuttlefish have an internal shell (called a cuttlebone), huge eyes, and eight arms and two tentacles with finely serrated suckers that they use to catch prey.


The nautilus is an octopus' cousin that lives in the tropical Pacific. It possesses the most tentacles of any mollusk, with over 90, which it uses to feel and grope for food along the reefs.

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