Nigeria has experienced rapid urbanization, population growth, and changing dietary preferences in recent years. As a result, there is a significant increase in the consumption of seafood among the Nigerian population.

Nigeria has experienced rapid urbanization, population growth, and changing dietary preferences in recent years. As a result, there is a significant increase in the consumption of seafood among the Nigerian population.

However, the local fishing industry in Nigeria has faced challenges such as overfishing, inadequate infrastructure, and poor post-harvest handling practices, which have limited domestic production and supply. The demand for seafood products has outpaced the local capacity to meet it, leading to a widening gap between supply and demand.

Embarking on seafood importation provides a practical solution to bridge this gap and ensure a consistent supply of seafood to meet the growing demand. By importing seafood products from countries with well-established fishing industries and efficient supply chains, Nigeria can ensure a steady availability of diverse seafood options for its population

Additionally, seafood importation can contribute to the overall development of the Nigerian economy by generating revenue through import duties and taxes. It can also encourage investment in related industries such as food processing, packaging, and storage facilities, which can further enhance the country’s food value chain.

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